
For The Record

THANK ALL OF YOU for the blessing in reporting our local news and needs, our births and deaths, our wins and defeats, most of all, our community services. Courage, Tenacity, and Integrity---you have won again! You have honored Genesis 12:2-3, “Blessed to be a Blessing.”

For The Record

WHEN I HEARD that this week would be the last Canadian Record as we know it, it made me incredibly sad and at the same time grateful that I haven’t known a time without it in the 40 years that I’ve lived in Canadian. Many have much longer memories of it than I. It’s impossible to know what we look like without our Canadian Record. The quality of our local newspaper is well known and enjoyed by people near and far. When I questioned why this loss feels so significant, there are many reasons but I think what I will miss most is how it has connected us to each other, our community and the world outside of it. As much as I would like the newspaper to continue, Laurie, you deserve and have earned a wonderful retirement. You deserve time to relax and enjoy some peace. I wish you and your staff the same love and care you have given this community for so many years. We are the better for it.

For The Record

I HAVE BEEN WRITING a weekly recipe column, with much help from family and friends, for several years now. Reading recipes has always been a pleasure, I have more cookbooks than I can possibly use in a lifetime and now internet recipes pop up in my mailbox daily. I know that this experience has made me a better and more adventurous cook and a much happier eater. Thank you, Laurie, for making space in this amazing newspaper and to the readers for riding along on this tasty adventure.

Ray on The Record

I worked at The Canadian Record for a time. If you asked me for how long of a time, I guess I’d have to say anywhere from a few months to about 76 years. And technically, that would be correct, but probably not the answer you were looking for.