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MANY OF YOU FOUND this jumbo postcard (shown above) in your mailbox last week. Some of you probably glanced at it, a few of you may have read it, but I’d bet a pretty good percentage of you were completely fooled into thinking that Rep. Ken King was somehow involved in sending it, and may even have endorsed its message to “Stop Taxpayer Funded Lobbying!”
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Field Notes: The Behemoth

The abandoned gray and maybe orange behemoth, situated photogenically across from Canadian’s lovely Sunset Park, has now been the squirm-worthy talking point at a series of meetings of the county commissioners, city council, school board, hospital board, and water board. And still, no one knows quite what to do with it, or how to do it.

Fight over local control turns to representation—and lobbyists

EFFORTS TO BAR LOCAL GOVERNMENTS from hiring outside lobbyists or joining associations that lobby the state government are gaining steam, after falling short two years ago. If Texas lawmakers go ahead with current proposals, they’ll be hurting small towns more than big cities, and rural counties more than urban ones.

Dr. Martin Luther King

THE ASSASSINATION OF Dr. Martin Luther King last Thursday afternoon in Memphis was truly an American tragedy… a personal tragedy to his family, a terrible tragedy to his people… his associates and followers… and a national tragedy for all Americans, white and Negro alike, the extent of which cannot be quickly measured.

On the problem of being a Second Amendment safe county

I appreciated your excellent editorial of April 1 on enforcing Hemphill County law. I commend Lisa Johnson, Wendy Wright, and any others who argued against the resolution that would have designated Hemphill County as a Second Amendment Safe Haven County. I further commend the three commissioners who refused to second the motion to adopt the resolution.
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The following message is one I delivered to the Hemphill County Commissioners Court Monday morning, a few days after Judge George Briant briefed the court on several bills filed in the Texas Legislature that might have an impact on local government.

More on ‘Shocked’

PERHAPS I WAS NOT CLEAR enough on why I was shocked [Letter to the Editor (Williams) Feb. 11, 2021, and Letter to the Editor (Antillon) Feb. 18, 2021]. First, I do have a great deal of respect for our editor; to her credit, she is principled and sometimes brave enough to give voice to an opposite opinion, no matter how harsh, and opposite the opinion. She has always had that principle, and for that, I and others owe her our thanks.